Welcome to
Holy Trinity Educational Institute, Inc.
An Accredited Ecclesia Educational Facility registered, filed, incorporated, under the private auspice and Methods of Administration of the United Church of the Apostles, Inc. in strict compliance as to its administrative/functional purpose for which it was incorporated under and by virtue of noted statute of Legislative Law.
All Curricula is "Accredited" by the
American Council on Religious Training, LTD.
An Accreditation/Certification Collegial Council of the Christian Doctrine Arts & Letters.
Our Certified Trainers Division Staff Credentials are of permanent validity certified & approved by the Board Of Examiners/ Dept. of Education and fully recognized in relationship/participation with the Dept.’s of Labor; the U.S. Dept. of Labor/Federal Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT) to administrate, supervise, and coordinate over 900+ occupational training programs.
Whether it's a book, a short story, legitmate Ordination, a High School Completion Certificate, a Bachelor, Masters, or Doctoral Christian Doctrine Credential, a "winning grant proposal", a business plan, or "Authentic Accreditation" for your religious educational facility, you need look no further.
"Don't leave the sky out of "Your" landscape"!
Please Look Us Over. You are free to browse the site. Need accreditation for your school or seminary? Now, get "authentic accreditation" from the American Council on Religious Training, Ltd. Just e-mail us at guidepostguide@yahoo.com or cguerra@hvc.rr.com and we can begin the process. You'll be accredited by the best and students will hurry to enroll. And, we have original, faith based books and stories for both adults and children. All books are written either by David Templeton or others on the HTEI staff. All books and periodicals are published by Northeast Publishing Co., Happy Note Publishing Co., or Real Time Publishing Co. a division of theebooksale.co. Information on how you can obtain them is available in this site. We are still working on our gift shop contents and will have them for your examination shortly. May God bless.
All whom request may contact by E-Mail concerning any matter in this site.

Holy Trinity Educational Institute, Inc.
A Christian Education Academy/Seminary under the private auspices of
The United Church of the Apostles, Inc.