Children's Books
For our new and original product listings send e-mail to and receive our colorful flyer detailing wonderful, heart-warming and exciting stories the whole family will enjoy!
Our product offering is under review at this time.
All books and periodicals are the original works of Father Charles and are published by Northeast Publishing Co. Professional inquiries are directed to
"Thy Will Be Done"
This is a book for the whole family. It was written by Father Charles (David Templeton). In it, Fr. Charles talks about God's PLAN for all of us. He tells us how we are sure to obtain life everlasting life. It, also makes a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones.
You can order this book by contacting us or, through, or wherever books are sold.

A wonderful short story about a man who finds out there is life after death, the hard way. Eddie loses his life as the result of an auto accident. He is, then, ordered by an angel to follow him and be a witness to what happens when death occurs. Learn what both Heaven and Hell is like, as Eddie did. Eddie never believed in life everlasting, but, now, he believes. Great reading for both young and old.

"Mr. Cavanaugh and Family"
Two children are left alone in the world because of their mother's untimely death. Rev. Seewell promises the dying woman he'll find the children a suitable home. Henry Cavanaugh seems to be a likely candidate for the job. Lots of wonderful and even dramatic things happen in this heart warming story we know the children will love. Written by our own Father Charles. You can purchase "Mr. Cavanaugh and Family" as an ebook by going to Download the entire book for $6.95.

"The Golden Key"
Charlie Huggins makes keys. One day he is called upon by St. Peter to make a new key for the gate that leads into Heaven. St. Peter rewards Charlie in such a wonderful way. Learn how it changes his life, completely. A wonderful story for the whole family.

"D'Goro and the Snalfrockys"
The Pindorians are going through a drought. The Snalfrockys, however, have no such problem. When the Pindorian army attacks the Snalfrocks, it's D'Goro to the rescue. The children will love it. This book will be available in ebook format within 30 days and book form by August 2008.

"Until the Judgment"
You won't want to miss this novel that tells of a young man's desire to preach the Gospel. After establishing a successful radio ministry he is confronted by a not-for-profit association that is interested in only one thing; to force, by intimidation and threats, him to pay for the privilege of conducting his ministry. The young man would have none of it. So, he, his cousin, his loyal friend, and a private detective fight back. You won't want to miss this terrific mystery, filled with suspense that is an expose of what goes on behind the scenes with non-traditional churches and minister. Written by our own David Templeton and Catherine Guerra, this is one book you won't want to miss.

"The Christmas Santa's Reindeer had the Flu"
A great, new and original Christmas story the kids will love. Santa's reindeer get sick with the flu and, without reindeer, at the last minute, there was a serious problem. How was Santa going to get the toys and gifts to the kids?. Read this story and find out how Christmas was saved. Delightful. Written by our own Father Charles.

"Christmas Is Saved!"
Learn about the angels. This story tells of a sinister Lucifer who sends two of his demons on a mission to destroy Christmas. The two evil demons start out by spreading the word that Santa had died. As sagacious and as smart as these two devilish demons are they lose out in the end and Christmas Is Saved. Read this terrific book and learn how!
"Christmas is Saved" will be available in book form by October of 2008. Contact us at or or ask Richie at This book is exciting and well written. Be the first to own it. It is sure to become a Christmas classic.
Further Information: Book publishers and distributors as well as other sites are welcome to participate in the sale of all original books now being offered. Contact either Dr. James at or Richard at for complete details.
For further information on our Christian Educational Programs, School Accreditations, and offerings or pre-ordering information please email