HTEI Collegial Council Degrees of Christian Doctrine Arts & Letters:
Accreditation under the auspices of the
American Council on Religious Training, LTD.
Sacred Divinity/Sacred Theology/Ministerial Studies/Religious Education/Christian Doctrine/Church Doctrine etc. All studies are Home Study Research & Development Thesis!
* Bachelor Collegial Council Degrees: $ 795.00 Contribution:
* Masters Collegial Council Degrees: $ 595.00 Contribution:
* Doctoral Collegial Council Degrees: $ 350.00 Contribution:
Credit for previous religious study: Act now!
* Practitioner of Alternative Medicine: $1400.00 Contribution
E-mail or for Enrollment Application: Application & requirements will be forwarded to your e-mail address:
* Life-long Collegial Council Certificate of Ordination: (Minister/Pastor/Reverend/Clergyman/Clergywoman) Contribution: $100.00. Ask for details about this and and how you can become a full time worker for Christ with:
United Church of the Apostles, Inc. and Holy Trinity Educational Inst. Inc.
On completetion "YOU" receive: * Prestigious/Respected Certificate of Ordination
* Letter of Approval * Letter of Institution:
Church's, Ministries, Faith-Based and Community Organizations interested in implementing community outreach programs are invited to contact H.T.E.I.'s Certified Trainers Division for * Technical assistance * Briefings & Seminars; * Leadership, Advisement, Guidance, Consultation & Coordination; * Cooperative Education, * Career Connections * Life-Steps Programs * School-to-work lingage programs, * Youth transition-to-work training, * Pre-Apprenticeship, * Apprenticeship & Training Programs, * Internships, Welfare-to-work-training programs.
H.T.E.I.'s Certified Trainers Division education & training staff credentials are of permanent validity and certified & authorized by the Board of Examiners, Dept. of Education, in participation with the Depts. of Labor, and the U.S. Dept. Of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship & Training, to administrate, supervise, and coordinate over 900 specific areas of occupational training:
Contact us for leadership through quality training programs that provide work-shops-to-success that swing-open the gateway to the world-of-work for the unemployed, under-employed, disadvantaged, and low-income. E-mail us at
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High School Completion Certificates
Degrees of the Christian Doctrine Arts & Letters:
Ordinations: (Pastor/Minister/Reverend/Clergyman/Clergywoman/etc
We, the Bishops of HTEI, are pleased to announce the following: Effective immediately:
All whom request our ACCREDITED High School Certificate ! Contact us right away for details and application: or
Prestigious, Respected, Christian School Accreditation:
Regional Representatives Needed: A rewarding career!
Regional Representatives
are needed to help expand H.T.E.I. Accreditation and Collegial Council Education and Training Programs. Part time or full time positions available. $1000+per week possible!
E-mail us requesting regional representative opportunities!

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