American Council on Religious T'ng, Ltd.
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Don't leave the sky out of your landscape. Receive "Authentic Accreditation" for your Christian School!
If you are seeking "Authentic Accreditation" of your Seminary, Bible School, or Bible College/University look no further. Our staff is ready to serve you. Accreditation makes your school much easier to sell. Contact us to begin the process.

It Doesn't Cost A Lot!
We are a Christian accrediting association. Don't think you have to pay a lot for accreditation. Our mission is to help schools educate those who want to serve the Lord. If your core subjects do not meet our standards, our staff will work with you to make sure they do. The idea is to train workers for Christ. We'll help you set up your curriculum. Our staff will work with any school or educational facility seeking accreditation to make sure the students are trained properly.
Need students? Get them much quicker with "Authentic Accreditation" from the best. Don't wait! It isn't hard to get accreditation and it is not a tedious process. Our staff is waiting to serve you..Accreditation is the educational community's means of self-regulation. The Accreditation process is intended to strenghten and sustain the quality and integrity of education making it worthy of public confidence and minimizing the scope or exercise of government control. Protect the credibility of your Academy, Seminary, Bible Institute, and/or College's name. Follow the legitimate path to "Authentic Accreditation". Our staff will send your organization information on our "General Accepted Accreditation Principles" (GAAP). Contact us! An Institution is only as good as its Institutors!
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